SUMMER LEAGUE: June 25th - July 25th, Tuesday & Thursdays 9:30-10:30am

Registration for Summer League Opens March 21, 2024 

Register on our events page by clicking the button "Register Online" for the event: Summer League Swim Team - 2024 

Registration opens March 21st. The Harbor Aquatics Club Summer League Swim Team is a 5-week program designed to bridge the gap between swim lessons and swim team and help spark a love for the sport of swimming.


Our Summer league Swim Team teaches swimmers foundational swim skills, builds endurance, and helps grow positive feelings with the fun & challenging sport of swimming. The Summer League program will also provide opportunities to participate in optional competition experiences.


All participants must be at least 8 years old, be able to swim at least 25 yards freestyle with side breathing without stopping or assistance, and swim 25 yards backstroke without stopping or assistance. 


The program will run Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30-10:30am at Gig Harbor High School pool. This is a 5-week program, beginning Tuesday June 25th and running Tu/Thur through July 25th (no practice Thursday July 4th).


The registration for this program will open on March 21, 2024 and stay open until full or until July 9th. The cost of this 5 week program is $185 per swimmer, plus a USA Swimming annual membership (approx. ~ $24 for a Flex Athlete). We will send you step by step instruction for registering with USA Swimming after you have registered with Harbor Aquatics Club. 

We look forward to having you join Harbor Aquatics Club’s summer league swim team!